Having been helped by counselling following a stressful illness, I completed a Certificate in Counselling Skills at Guildford College in 2012, with the intention of continuing to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Counselling and practising as a counsellor. In a “Gap Year” (you’re never too old to have a Gap Year, surely?), I discovered meditation, mindfulness, Journey work, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Emotion Code and a whole world of ‘Energy Psychology’ opened up to me.
I have found these modalities to be much faster and more effective than traditional counselling and psychotherapy. Studies support that these methods can be significantly more effective than traditional “talk therapies” or medication.
I was a volunteer with Next Steps from 2012 - 2014, co-facilitating support groups for people with depression (nextstep.me.uk).
I also co-founded three coffee companies with my husband from 2004, all three of which are successful thriving businesses which have enabled us to leave our day jobs and work for ourselves. The job I left was at the CBI, Confederation of British Industry, where I worked as a senior advisor, working with companies to ascertain what best business practices will help businesses of the future survive and thrive. So I am in good position to give realistic advice about the highs and lows of starting your own business!
I am also very interested in Laughter Yoga, the work of Byron Katie (thework.com) and that of U.S. neurosurgeon Dr Norm Shealy (normshealy.com), who has been at the forefront of holistic medicine since the 60’s.
I have worked in education, the charity sector and the private sector and hold a BA in Japanese language. In the charity sector I worked with stalking victims and on committees such as the Metropolitan Police Committee on Male Rape and the Restorative Justice Consortium.
Relevant courses I have completed include:
Counselling Skills Level 1-3 Guildford College
EFT Levels 1 & 2
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Course
Introduction to META Health with Penny Croal
I have found these modalities to be much faster and more effective than traditional counselling and psychotherapy. Studies support that these methods can be significantly more effective than traditional “talk therapies” or medication.
I was a volunteer with Next Steps from 2012 - 2014, co-facilitating support groups for people with depression (nextstep.me.uk).
I also co-founded three coffee companies with my husband from 2004, all three of which are successful thriving businesses which have enabled us to leave our day jobs and work for ourselves. The job I left was at the CBI, Confederation of British Industry, where I worked as a senior advisor, working with companies to ascertain what best business practices will help businesses of the future survive and thrive. So I am in good position to give realistic advice about the highs and lows of starting your own business!
I am also very interested in Laughter Yoga, the work of Byron Katie (thework.com) and that of U.S. neurosurgeon Dr Norm Shealy (normshealy.com), who has been at the forefront of holistic medicine since the 60’s.
I have worked in education, the charity sector and the private sector and hold a BA in Japanese language. In the charity sector I worked with stalking victims and on committees such as the Metropolitan Police Committee on Male Rape and the Restorative Justice Consortium.
Relevant courses I have completed include:
Counselling Skills Level 1-3 Guildford College
EFT Levels 1 & 2
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Course
Introduction to META Health with Penny Croal