"I honestly feel that last week's session with you moved me on more than a year's worth of weekly counselling."
Mary, Surbiton Please contact me to arrange a zoom or in-person session.
Are you struggling with depression, chronic pain, anxiety, weight loss or other issues?
Or do you just want to be happier? Are you looking to motivate yourself to start a new business, or break out and take a risk which you feel will have benefits but something is holding you back? Do you have pain or emotional issues which you have failed to clear with traditional ‘Western’ medicine and psychotherapy but are unsure of what other methods might be effective? Or do you want to learn methods to reduce stress and achieve your goals? I use two main methods which have been shown to be effective in reducing pain, depression, anxiety and resolving phobias and addictions, helping weight loss and many other problems, as well as simply making people happier in their day to day lives: · EFT, i.e. ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ or tapping: “acupuncture without needles” · Matrix Reimprinting, a therapy using EFT. I have also been using a very powerful meditation technique: · Akashic Meditation, a meditation designed to help you clear through lessons that you've already learnt and don't need to be repeating. See my "Therapies" page for further details! |
Please contact:
Anne O’Hara 07766 703 497 [email protected] www.freeyourpath.co.uk Location : Ashtead, Surrey |